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ESUTech heating system optimization

Artikel: w-0400

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Artikelnummer: w-0400

EUR 849,00 incl. tax   
free shipping (*)
Block pricing:
from 2 Pcs.from 3 Pcs.from 6 Pcs.
EUR 806,55
EUR 764,10
EUR 721,65
Gros weight: 3 kg
Net weight: 2.5 kg
 » Additional Productview
Especially for gas and oil burners from year up to 2003, the control device ESU-Tech is an intelligent solution that saves average heating costs of 22%. ESUTech is a solution that can pay for a large family house in less than 2 years.

Example: € 2700 for 3000 liters of heating oil allows savings of about 600 € per year. In multi-family dwellings and commercial / regulatory objects, the amortization is much faster.

In Germany, about 12 million households are heated with fuel oil. For them, ESU Tech is an interesting intermediate solution, especially in view of alarming messages:

  • 12/08/2013: 2013 costliest year ever for oil
  • 15/02/2013: More doubling of oil prices in 2030

    Whether in commercial premises, retail premises, warehouses, public facilities, in private houses or apartment, ESU Tech fits everywhere.

    ESU-TECH is supplied fitted with 230V power supply and temperature sensor in the IP65 housing with connecting cable, mounting hardware, thermal paste, and a detailed installation and operating instructions. The compact unit in IP 54 enclosure is approx 18cm wide, 15cm high and 4 inches deep and finds its place everywhere.

  • reduces burner starts up to 50%, provides a more uniform Kesseldurchwärmung, reduced deployment and reduces losses in gas and oil heating energy consumption.
  • reduced pollutant emissions from the heating at 50%.
  • extends the life of the burner and reduce service costs.
  • is maintenance free.
  • a five year guarantee.
  • is moisture and dust resistant.
  • was developed and manufactured in Germany.
  • complies with VDE standard 0100th
  • requires no change in the heating setting.
  • Simple and quick installation by the technical personnel of electric and heating industry.
  • has been developed since 1997.
  • was confirmed by reports from renowned German universities and practice reports.

    Free shipping due to a order value of 100.00 when delivering to Germany.

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