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How do I become an affiliate?
After sign up, you receive your own customer number and can start immediately as a NU LIFE partner, with your personalized shop. I In your customer login you will find your personalized partner links, as well as an overview over your established customers.
How to sign up: Click on the left side on "New account". You'll find an internal menu itemPartner links with all the personalized links, which you can forward to your customers, partners and acquaintances. When a new customer signs up, you'll find their name on the overview page "Downline" (up to 5 levels deep). In contrary to ordinary affiliate programs, where you can only view an anonymus click statistics, with the NU LIFE affiliate program, you can build up your own customership, which creates you a steadily growing, serious residual income.
How can I advertise as a partner?
The affiliate program is designed to draw additional visitors to the NU LIFE shop. It is addressing especially sales partners / web masters with a web site, where affiliate links can be placed. Affiliate links can also be used in email signatures of sales partners. It is prohibited to design and optimize web sites with the unique purpose of placeing affiliate links on it, because that wouldn't draw additional visitors to the shop. Instead, this would be a direct competition.
How high is the commission?
The qualification for the commission depends on accumulated total volume of yourself and the customers referred directly by you (your first generation):
Qualification level | Volume | Q1 | 0 - 599 EUR | Q2 | 600 - 1.199 EUR | Q3 | ab 1.200 EUR, or with appropiate business legitimation |
On the volume of your 1st to 5th referer generations (G1 - G5), you earn commissions as in below table, depending on your qualification level:
| Q1 | Q2 | Q3 | G1 | 5% | 10% | 15% | G2 | 5% | 5% | 5% | G3 | -- | 5% | 5% | G4 | -- | -- | 5% | G5 | -- | -- | 5% |
Attention: The commission on the volume of commercial retailers is limited to a maximum of 5%.
Compression: Q2 and Q3 commissions, for which there is no qualified affiliate on the respective higher generation level, will be paid (in this sequence) to the next qualified affiliate. This means, that e.g. from the 15% Q3 commission of a G1 volume, only 5% are paid to the direct sponsor (if they are only qualified for Q1) , wheareas the remaining 5% (difference bewteen Q1 and Q2), resp. 10% (Q1 to Q3) are paid some levels above to the next Q2 resp. Q3 affiliate. Similarly, a Q3 commission of a G5 volume goes up as many levels as to the next qualified Q3 affiliate. Thus, the company doesn’t keep unqualified commissions for themselves, but pays them out completely to the distributorship (if there exists already at least one Q3 affiliate).
How and when do I get paid?
You need a Paypal account (to which you can add your NU LIFE login email). Your monthly commissions will be transfered until the 15th of the next month.
Do I need to pay income tax?
Revenues from "repeated activity with profit intent" (business) is basically taxable and must be declared in your income tax delclaration. If you have no tax registration number, please contact your tax office.
Do I have to pay VAT?
That depends on the amount of your revenues (in Germany above 16.620,- €) and your place of living. Consult with your tax adviser. If you live in Germany and have opted for VAT, you will get commission plus VAT. You are then obliged to declare the VAT at your tax office and pay it in time.
For checking your tax number, one of the following approvals is enough: Actual letter of your tax office with your tax number. Confirmation letter of your tax adviser, that your company is registered under the tax number and is not VAT exempt.
Not sufficient: Your own company letter. Copy of trade registration.
Conventional retailers If you want to sell our products conventionally (without level building / network marketing), you'll get 15% on the shop's quantity discounts. Please contact us and transmit your business licence to become registered and activated as a reseller in our database. |
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Specials |
Payment options: Credit cardIBAN/BIC remittance (EU CH)Direct debit (DE AT)COD (DE) |
Free shipping within DE for orders from 100 €, for surrounding countries from 500 €, for EU from 1000 €. |