Aether mill - scientific proof of aether

Artikel: w-0888


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Artikelnummer: w-0888

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Ethermal mill - how strongly does the "Holy Spirit" flow through your hands?

The most pedagogically valuable and at the same time simplest scientific-spiritual experiment of modern times.

"The Force is what gives a Jedi his power. It is an energy field generated by all living things. It surrounds us and permeates us. It holds the galaxy together."
- Obi-Wan Kenobi, Star Wars IV: A New Hope.

Every living human being has od power, also called chi or prana power or Roach (Holy Spirit). But until now, it was not technically measurable. Neither magnetically, nor electrically. The ether mill is the only device that clearly and with 100% reproducibility proves the existence of this ether.

With this, however, the ether-denying modern physics (in particular the relativity theory and quantum theory) is falsified at the same time. So, was Einstein wrong and Nikola Tesla right? It looks quite so!

The proof is unambiguous because the direction of rotation of the wheel always coincides with the pointing direction of the fingertips of the hand, which is completely impossible with a (hypothetical) convection heat effect.

See also the video "Äthermühle Demo" (link below the shopping cart button).

The Äthermühle contains a particularly low-friction, yet stable precision bearing. It is very lightweight, yet robust due to the flexible plastic wheel. It responds to even the smallest fluctuations in the intensity of the etheric force emanating through the fingertips. This allows a lot of experimentation and gradual optimization of the emitting power of the hands. It is believed that Qi-Gong masters and Filipino healers, for example, can put the etheric mill into particularly rapid rotation.


1. remove the cover of the ether mill.
2. with one or two hands, enclose the ether mill in a semicircle.
3. wait a second or two until the wheel starts moving without contact, as if by magic, and continues to turn permanently until you pull your hand away again.

Although the Aether Mill has existed for decades, science has strangely not taken any notice of it until today! Does it believe to be able to simply hush up this impressive phenomenon? Every schoolchild should present this experiment to his teachers, it should be discussed in class, but above all publicly, and without unqualified excuses or know-it-alls ("It's all just thermals", "Everything already known", "So what?"). In this sense, may the Aether Mill cause as many astonished faces as possible and literally set the public aether discussion, which has come to a standstill since the Second World War, in motion again.

Even seasoned physicists have lost big bets on seemingly impossible drives that contradict the known laws of physics (e.g. the Blackbird propeller wheel) because they were too convinced of their school physics. A telekinesis bet could be formulated like this: What do we bet that you can set at any time an object in continuous motion with your bare hands without touching it (much like Obiwan Kenobi in Star Wars), without any known natural force such as electricity, magnetism, thermics, air pressure, sound or gravity being involved, or measurable?"

Nothing is as powerful as an idea,
whose time has come.
- Victor Hugo

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