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miniSilver® - colloidal silver generator 50 V

Artikel: w-0110

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Artikelnummer: w-0110

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EUR 49,95 incl. tax   special price!special price!   
+ shipping costs
Block pricing:
from 2 Pcs.from 3 Pcs.from 6 Pcs.from 12 Pcs.
EUR 47,45
EUR 44,96
EUR 42,46
EUR 39,96
Gros weight: 0.25 kg
Net weight: 0.2 kg
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The miniSilver® generator for colloidal silver offers one of the cheapest methods for producing high quality colloidal silver in a reasonable time. Can be operated with every thickness of silver rods or gold rods.

Its switching power supply has an output of 50 V / 200 mA and allows production of 5 ppm, 10 ppm, 25 ppm or even 50 ppm colloid concentration in distilled water or reverse osmosis filtered water in few seconds or minutes.

Because of the compact power supply the miniSilver® generator for colloidal silver is the smallest complete set and fits into the smallest travel bag (it can be operated from 110 up to 240 V).

Crucial for a small colloid particle size (and thus the quality of the colloidal silver) is not the electronics but simply the water quality! Therefore we recommend the low cost Umkehrosmosefilter Watermaker® Mini, a reverse osmosis mini filter with which you can achieve a water purification down to an electric conductivity of only 10 µS (micro Siemens).

Parts list:

  • 1 confectioned switch power adapter (100-240 V, 200 mA) with 24 V output (Power version: 50 V) and dimensions of 5 x 6 x 3 cm. Weight: 30 g
  • 2 Silver rods (hardened, 99,99% pure) in a protection tube
  • 1 acryl support suitable for narrow bottle necks but also for wide vessel openings
  • 1 comprehensive user manual in German and English.
  • 1 small carrying bag

    Attention: For the world wide deployment of the miniSilver, we recommend the auxilliary universal plug adapter.

    Free shipping due to a order value of 100.00 when delivering to Germany.

  •  We highly recommend for this item (note: partly already included in the product!):
      pheal® bottle FROM EUR 4.21  
      miniSilver® replacement electrodes 2 pcs. FROM EUR 15.96  
      Universal plug adapter USA/GB/EU FROM EUR 4.24  

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